Corporate Policies

We Have Passion, Vision and Ethical Principles

Based on the historical and philosophical impact of «Standards» implementation, in recent times, it is concluded that «Technical Standards» applied for the safety and quality assurance in Production, Industry and Technology development, Globally / Internationally, are similar to common «Social Laws», necessary for a balanced social structure and the development of International market competition, in terms of globalisation.

However, important elements that differentiate «Technical Standards» from «Social Laws» are «quantification» and «measurability», two factors that play a significant role in making «Technical Standards» widely, and universally, accepted in this new era, principally based on global technical codes, common concepts and symbols of arts and sciences, the so called «Normativity Framework».

In Nowadays context, Inspection and Certification Bodies represent reliability and objectivity on which the operation of International institutional normative framework is principally based, aiming to the assurance of consumer’s safety and quality in the production chain.

Swiss Approval International Group of Companies is progressively constituted over the last 15 years, as a result of knowledge unification and integration between different companies, in different Countries, with significant experience and engineering background, in the fields of Inspection and Certification services.

Swiss Approval International is a Premium Partner in the field of Advanced Technology Inspection, Technical Assessments and Certification sector, incorporating experience, scientific expertise, innovation and advanced technical know-how, currently, principally active in the geographical areas of Central & South East Europe, Africa, Middle East and Gulf.